Ayatullah S. Mujtaba Nur Mufidi: lmam Ali (‘a) is the essence of the most prominent virtues of the greatest divine prophets
Let us also mention a few sentences about Imam Ali (‘a) on the occasion of the birth of the Commander of the Faithful, so that we may include ourselves in the narration that if someone mentions and acknowledges one of the virtues of Imam Ali (‘a), his sins will be forgiven.
A narration has been narrated in some Sunni narrative communities, although there are differences in some expressions, but the content of these narrations is the same. Among other things, in the book of Sunan al-Bayhaqi, al-Shaykh al-Tusi has narrated this in his book Al-Amali, that the Prophet (s) said: “He who wills to look to Adam in his knowledge, to Noah in piety, to Abraham in his heart, and to Moses”in his glory and to Jesus in his worship, he looks to Ali ibn Abi Talib (‘a)”. That is, lmam Ali is the essence of the most prominent virtues of the greatest prophets of God. Among humans, the one who can better understand the depth of the personality of lmam Ali (‘a) is the holy being of the Holy Prophet (‘a). He says the following about Ali (‘a): Adam, the son of human being, is prominent in terms of knowledge, considering that God said, “And He taught Adam all the names.” All of these are distinguished in virtues, but some of these characteristics are more evident in some prophets. It is said that if someone wants to look at the knowledge of Prophet Adam, he should look at Ali ibn Abi Talib.Whoever wants to look at Adam in his knowledge, Noah in his piety, Abraham in his patience, Moses in his awe, and Jesus in his worship, let him look at Ali ibn Abi Talib, peace be upon them. It is very important that the most prominent virtues of the great divine prophets are gathered in Imam Ali. If it is said that Imam Ali is better than the previous prophets except the last Prophet, it is because he has gathered all these virtues in himself. Such a personality should be beloved by the hearts of people, Muslims and Shiites. Such a personality should be followed by all people. Such a personality should be the criterion and standard of truth and reality. The one in whom the knowledge of Adam, the piety of Noah, the patience of Abraham, and the worship of Moses are gathered, does not speak anything other than the truth. Whatever he says is the truth. That is why the Holy Prophet of Islam said, “Ali is with the truth, and the truth is with Ali, and they will never separate until they meet me at the Pool of Kawthar on the Day of Judgment.”
It is very important that lmam Ali (‘a) is the standard of truth and justice. If we want to adhere to the truth, if we want to achieve eternal happiness, we must always keep our eyes on this indicator. If the Prophet says… All this has a lesson, “Indeed, Allah has given my brother Ali virtues that cannot be counted.” “So whoever mentions a virtue from his virtues, Allah will forgive him his past and future sins.” This is not a small thing. It says that if someone remembers one of the virtues of Imam Ali (AS), whether it is now or remembering himself or others, both are possible. Dhikr is expressing it to others and remembering it, and it also has this benefit for the person himself, while the basis for it is that God forgives all his past and future sins.
It may be surprising how it is that such an effect and fruit can be achieved by just remembering one of the virtues of Imam Ali (‘a). This is clear, remembering one of the virtues of Imam Ali (‘a) means placing a clear destination in front of the eyes of anyone to whom this virtue is remembered, and this attracts them. Whoever looks at this lamp, light, and torch in the darkness of this world will naturally be drawn towards it and inclined towards it, and this will cause him to move away from his past and choose a different path for the future. Therefore, it is said that God forgives his past sins and whatever he may commit in the future. Sometimes in the explanation and interpretation of these narrations, there are misguided teachings that create problems, that is, they think that if a person remembers a virtue of Imam Ali, his sins will be forgiven “whatever comes before and whatever comes after.”They think that we remember the virtues of the Imam here and then go out and do whatever we want. This is definitely not what is meant. It is a deception to say that I will remember this much and then go out to take people’s property and deny people’s rights. This is definitely not what is meant. What they mean is that if a person looks at this torch, it will save him, it will cleanse his past, and he will finally feel regret for why he was far from this source of light, that he was not a true follower, and it shows him a path for his future that he should follow. That is, by nature, as a person approaches this character and the virtues he possesses, his sins will naturally decrease. May God grant us the success of following the holy example of Imam Ali (‘a) in this world and make these days blessed for everyone. These are days of prayer and seclusion. May God grant us all the blessings and graces of these days. Pray for the solution of people’s problems and the sufferings of Muslims and Shiites all over the world, in our region and country, especially for ourselves. Let us take advantage of these opportunities and let these days be a ladder for our spiritual success and cause constructive and positive changes in our character, actions and thoughts. May God bless everyone and in the Hereafter, may we all be gathered with Imam Ali (‘a) and his descendants.