Ayatullah Sayyid Mujtaba Nur Mufidi

Message of Ayatullah S. Mujtaba Nurmufidi

It was published on the occasion of the martyrdom of Hujjat al-Islam wal Muslimin Sayyid Hasan Nasrullah

On the occasion of the martyrdom of His Eminence Hujjat al-Islam wal Muslimin, Sayyid Hasan Nasruallah, the Secretary General of Hezbullah in Lebanon, Ayatullah Sayyid Mujtaba Nurmufidi, the head of the Institute of Contemporary Jurisprudence Studies, issued a message, the explanation of which is as follows:


In the Name of Allah, the all-Compassionate, the all-Merciful



O Allah, we complain to You about the loss of our Prophet, the absence of our guardian, the great number of our enemies, the small number of us, the severity of the trials that befall us, and the connivance of time against us.


The great martyrdom of the man of resistance, the true son of Islam and seminaries, the thorn in the eyes of the Zionist enemy and Mujahid in the cause of Allah, His eminence Hujjatul Islam wal Muslimin, S. Hasan Nasruallah, created a wave of sadness among all Muslims and freedom seekers, and wounded and grieved the hearts of believers.

This divine scholar who spent his whole life in jihad and struggle with condolences to the family of the Prophet (s) and at the school of thought of Imam Khumayni (may Allah’s blessings be upon him) and did not sit still for a moment, left such a love among his many admirers that today. In his loss and after resting in the presence of God’s mercy and being proud of God’s reward, the cry of mourning and lamentation arose from place to place in Islamic countries.

Undoubtedly, this martydom and his other comrades, contrary to the belief of the ignorant and cowardly enemies, will strengthen the axis of resistance and weaken the criminals and their supporters, especially the bloodthirsty America, and will lead to the decline of the illegitimate Israeli regime.

That martyr has now taken up his abode in heaven next to his teacher and leader Abu Abdullah Al-Husayn, peace be upon him, and God willing, he will witness the collapse of the rule system.

I offer my condolences to Baqiyyatullah (my soul is his ransom), the commander of the resistance of the supreme leader of the revolution, the seminaries and the supreme authorities of taqlid, the general Muslims and the Muslim people of Lebanon and Iran, and the noble family of that martyr, and l ask God the destruction of all His enemies, Islam and Muslims.


Sayyid Mujtaba Nurmufidi


Saturday 28 Sep. 2024